
Widespread exhibition Praise of the Limit

From 1 July to 1 October 2023 it will be possible to visit the last part of the widespread exhibition at the Cominelli Foundation in Cisano di San Felice del Benaco In praise of the limit. During the exhibition period the exhibition will be usable for free

“Climate change is real. The challenge is thrilling. The longer we wait, the more difficult it will be to fix the problem.” –  John Forbes Kerry

Together with the 6 artists involved in the project we have chosen to rely on the language of art and beauty to revive in visitors an increasingly necessary ecological culture.  

On display, in the splendid exhibition halls of Palazzo Cominelli, there will be the works of Cristina Gardumi, David Lovatti, Vincent Parisi, Henry Ranzanici, Fausto Salvi And Jonathan Xerra. The works of the 6 artists investigate with various languages - from ceramics to photography, passing through video art - the relationship between Man and Nature and once again invite us to reflect on how it is necessary for everyone to take an active position that transforms in concrete safeguard actions.

The widespread art project In praise of the limit and the contemporary art exhibition inaugurated in Cisano, trigger a necessary reflection on our consumption habits from the point of view of necessary self-regulation.

As he told us Stephen Mancuso: “You often hear about global warming, climate change, urban pollution, decrease in biodiversity etc., but I don't think the seriousness of the situation is clear to most people. Be aware of the disaster that our consumption is creating
it should make us all more attentive to our individual behaviour, but also angry at a development model which, in order to reward very few, destroys our common home.

According to the "precautionary principle" that the scientific method teaches us, the need to change our habits is not a favor due to someone, but the greatest act of love towards ourselves; in this sense, theIn praise of the limit takes on a new and different connotation, that of "Ode to Life".

The exhibition, created in collaboration with Cominelli Foundation and the cultural association 7 thousand miles away, received the support of Municipality of San Felice del Benaco and will be usable for free until October 1 during the weekend (Saturday and Sunday).

An open-air exhibition. The art project site specific In praise of the limit re-interprets the concept of Land Art as ecological art, creating a virtuous engagement with the key principles of sustainability and the circular economy.

Barbara Crimella, Daniela Gambolò, Emanuele Bertossi, Nicolas VavassoriFabio Racheli are the 5 artists who under the guidance of 7MML Cultural Association were called to interpret a single message: “Nature shows us more and more frequently that the "limit" has been crossed, it asks us to stop. It's time to find a new balance and usher in a new era of peaceful coexistence between Man and the Environment”.

There are five works made with only salvaged and recycled materials: a simple art, destined to perish over time. In praise of the limit invites visitors to reflect on the importance for the near future of taking care of the environment, for one active safeguard of the territories we live in.

Fabio Racheli

Lake reflections



Recovery materials
Scraps of fabrics and second hand clothes
Desenzano del Garda lakefront

The color of the lake reflects the colors of the sky, sometimes it is intensely blue, often green, it grays with the clouds becoming almost aluminum, a surreal indecipherable mirror.

When the wind blows from the east - south / east, the surface of the water begins to ripple, the waves mount and break on the beaches and rocks of Desenzano dragging to the shore what has been torn from the bottom.

A changing palette, while what had been deposited on the seabed, natural and otherwise, returns to show itself. The contrast between nature and culture, between natural civilization and human incivility are expressed here in a play of fabrics and colours, where the lake becomes a living body, in which the two dimensions merge into a symbolic anthropocene to oppose. The recycled fabrics, clothes and fabrics, used to reproduce the different colors between blue, green and brown, represent the mix and exchange between the lake and the external environment. They express the deep iridescent beauty of the lake, but allow us to glimpse the fragility that emerges from an environment put at risk by human beings. Clothes are both water and waste, resource and danger.

Nicolas Vavassori

The Dragon of the living room



Recovery materials
Furniture, pallets
Via Italo Barbieri – Padenghe sul Garda

Moving after moving, the inherited furniture travels, climbs stairs, explores attics, garages, living rooms, requires effort and sweat from those who move them to then be forgotten under dusty sheets somewhere unknown.

Tired of all this, the furnishings come alive and come to life, transforming themselves into the legendary "dragon of the living room", the mythological being that claims its importance and the desire to continue to be an object of use.

A work that makes us think about our lifestyles and our way of buying and consuming, which generates waste and waste and exploits the precious resources that the Earth offers us.

Recovery and reuse are the way to preserve Nature and reduce our impact on the environment.

Emanuele Bertossi

The Dlake of the lake



Recovery materials
Park of the Women of the Constituent Assembly - Via Zerneri, San Felice del Benaco

“There is a lake in Lake Galda! Indeed no, on a plato of Lake Galda! He's a shy and shy guy, even if he looks a little scary. Sliscia here, sliscia there, you never know where it ends there. The only thing about it is that with its embarrassed glans, it doesn't know what to read about it..."

On the lake and seabed the tires lie, immortal as mythological animals, such as dragons. Still, they wouldn't be so dangerous if we didn't throw them out there, eternally deforming our underwater landscapes. Physically bringing a problem to the surface, finding a playful language to tell it to children too, showing that there is only what is scary that human beings do, but which can change, is the goal of this ecological work that it chooses to strike the simplicity of the nursery rhyme.

Daniela Gambolò




Recovery materials
Park of the Women of the Constituent Assembly - Via Zerneri, San Felice del Benaco

This work unfolds between history and mythology. The labyrinth is a tribute to the values that this place expresses.

Physically it symbolizes the difficult path that the Women of the Constituent Assembly have undertaken in order to follow their ideals. Metaphorically it tells the complex path that contemporary man must face to find solutions to defend an ecosystem increasingly under attack and at risk of survival.

Even in this labyrinth, however, there is a way out. As in all systems it is necessary to find the trace and once identified the journey will be easier: there is still hope, we must not give up, but learn and change course.

Barbara Crimella

ABOVE UNDER the lake



Recovery materials
Plexiglass, plastic bottles, iron.
Fossati Park - Piazzale S. Maria del Benaco, Toscolano Maderno

Delicate plays of light, transparencies that recall the shades of green and blue, motifs that chase each other to form sinuous dances.

ABOVE the lake is the representation of a glimpse of the bottom of Lake Garda and the aquatic plants that inhabit it.

The work aims to bring to light what the human eye cannot see: the suffering of our seabed, caused by pollution.

An installation to reflect on the importance of protecting the environment that surrounds us and that is not always visible at first glance, such as aquatic plants, fundamental reserves of oxygen and nourishment.

The recycled materials chosen by the artist recall the transparency of water, a symbol of purity and source of life.

Visit all the works

Le 5 installazioni di arte ecologica saranno fruibili da Aprile 2023 in 4 diversi comuni Gardesani, sino al loro naturale deperimento.

In collaboration with

The widespread exhibition In praise of the limit, through the sponsorship formula "adopt a work", received the support of Garda Uno SPA and municipal administrations Desenzano del Garda, San Felice del Benaco, Toscolano Maderno And Padenghe sul Garda.

In praise of the limit

From 22 April 2023 until 28 May 2023 it will be possible to visit the GB Bosio Civic Gallery of Desenzano del Garda the first part of the exhibition In praise of the limit.

The world as we know it is rapidly transforming before our eyes; like those bridges that collapse under your feet in the movies and you start running without knowing if you will arrive safely on the other side. It is clear that the limit has been exceeded.

We need to stop, look around and find the way to something new equilibrium respectful of that limit that Nature shows us more and more violently.

We are not scientists or prophets; we like to travel and tell stories. Stories that have a lot to tell, even on this limit. Listening to them is already a bit of a change.

 Giuliano Radici – Artistic Director.

The photographic images of the project H2oPLANET on display, as well as the documentary film AQ*A – H2oPLANET EUROPE by the7MML Cultural Association invite us to reflect on the effects of climate changes and on environmental impacts generated by man in the environment in which he lives.

It's time to find a new balance and inaugurate one new era of peaceful coexistence between Man and the Environment. In praise of the limit, through the language of art, exhorts us all to give life together to something new cultural renaissance, at the basis of which lies the importance of a ecological culture, accompanied by a active safeguard of the territory and its resources. 

During the exhibition period the exhibition will be accessible free of charge. at local schools upon request, interactive workshops and environmental education courses will be dedicated to deepening the theme.

We thank the Civic Museum of Natural Sciences of Brescia for scientific supervision.

The works


Gianluca Checchi

Red mud on the slopes of Parnassus

Francesco Pennacchio and Chiara Cervigni

The sky above Tolyatti

Francesco Pennacchio, Giuliano Roots, Gabriele Colleoni

My home, thanks to your business

Giuliano Roots, Beatrice Mazzocchi

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