A two-year journey

From saying to doing: our actions

LIFE SALVAGuARDiA is a composite project aimed at different targets and for each one it provides a specific activation proposal. 

Generally speaking, the planned actions can be grouped into four different categories.

The timeline of the project

March 22, 2022
Event of constitution of the Committee Safeguard, which sees the participation of some of the main territorial stakeholders.
Official presentation of the Life Safeguard logo and the coordinated image of the project.
March 22, 2022
April 10, 2022

Online publication of the platform, the tool that aims to tell and document the actions that will be implemented and will promote a widespread culture of "safeguarding".
April 10, 2022
April 12, 2022


Public event and live streaming of project presentation to the territory and to the stakeholders who live there.
The event, in media partnership with the magazine, saw the participation of two prestigious testimonials: the scientist Luca Mercalli and the writer Giuseppe Cederna.
April 12, 2022
September 15, 2022


Activation of themed educational courses environmental which see the participation of schools in the Garda area.
September 15, 2022
September 20, 2022

One Gesture for Me and one for the Environment

Start influencer marketing campaign "One gesture for me and one for the environment". The campaign will unfold on social channels through the story of the project by some creators close to the issues of Sustainable Development.
September 20, 2022
02 October 2022
Ecological walk discovering the lakes of Sovenigo and launching the digital call-to-action, a real artistic contest, dedicated to users, whose contributions will create a shared gallery of daily best practices of sustainable gestures for the safeguard of the environment in which we live.
02 October 2022
October 18, 2022
Inauguration of the Traveling exhibition dedicated to the UN 2030 Agenda. The exhibition, organized by the North East Interlibrary System in collaboration with the Cultural Association LACUS, will animate various libraries belonging to the Garda area. Children and young people, through the language of comics, will be involved in reflecting on issues related to the 17 GOALs of Sustainable Development and the possible translations in everyone's daily life.
October 18, 2022
April 7, 2023
The five installations of the art project In praise of the limit. The widespread exhibition received the support of the municipal administrations of Desenzano del Garda, San Felice del Benaco, Toscolano Maderno and Puegnago del Garda. The project re-interprets the concept of Land Art as “ecological art” and inspired by the cardinal principles of the circular economy, the five site-specific works were created with only recycled materials. Barbara Crimella, Daniela Gambolò, Emanuele Bertossi, Nicolas Vavassori, Fabio Racheli are the 5 artists who under the guidance of 7MML Cultural Association they were called upon to interpret a single message: “Nature shows us more and more frequently that the «limit» has been crossed, it asks us to stop. It's time to find a new balance and usher in a new era of peaceful coexistence between Man and the Environment".
April 7, 2023
April 13, 2023
First appointment of the review The Nature that Heals, created in collaboration with the Municipal Interlibrary System|Brescia Est. At the Angelo Anelli Civic Library in Desenzano del Garda there will be a meeting with Andrea Segre volume author: The unbearable heaviness of food waste - from zero waste to the Mediterranean diet.
April 13, 2023
April 22, 2023
The exhibition opens to the public In praise of the limit which can be visited until 28 May at the Sala Civica Bosio in Desenzano del Garda. The project, carried out in collaboration with the7MML association and the Municipality of Desenzano del Garda, proposes a reflection on the anthropocene: the era in which we are immersed and which every day shows us the devastating impacts that man can have on the environment. A photographic exhibition that wants to bring out in the viewer a position so that everyone promotes an active cultural change in the wake of aecological safeguard of the territory.
April 22, 2023
May 4, 2023
Public meeting open to citizens. It arrives at the Alberti theater in Desenzano del Garda Stephen Mancuso, the world-renowned scientist who directs the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology (LINV) of the University of Florence. With Mancuso we will discuss sensitivity andintelligence of the plant world: the scientist will bring a broader view of plant life, showing how they are able to develop complex strategies to survive and thrive. The plant world as an example of resilience, capable of reacting to changes in the environment, adapting and developing innovative solutions.
May 4, 2023
May 10, 2023
Second appointment of the review The Nature that Heals, made in collaboration with the Municipal Interlibrary System | Brescia Est. At the municipal library of Bedizzole, the meeting will be held with Gianfranco Bologna volume author: We are nature - A new way of being in the world
May 10, 2023
May 12, 2023
Third appointment of the review The Nature that Heals, made in collaboration with the Municipal Interlibrary System | Brescia Est. At the auditorium of the municipal library of Colombare di Sirmione, the meeting will be held with Marco Gisotti volume author: Ecovisions - Ecology in cinema from the Lumière brothers to Marvel – in 100 films and 5 educational paths.
May 12, 2023
June 9, 2023
Fourth appointment of the review The Nature that Heals, made in collaboration with the Municipal Interlibrary System | Brescia Est. At the cica room of Pozzolengo, the meeting will be held with Anna Maria Folly volume author: God's pharmacy - Ancient remedies for health, good mood, beauty and longevity from the monastic and Franciscan tradition.
June 9, 2023
May 19, 2023
Fifth round of the review The Nature that Heals, made in collaboration with the Municipal Interlibrary System | Brescia Est. At Palazzo Zambelli in Lonato, the meeting will be held with Franco Micheli volume author: To find yourself, you must first get lost - Technical-philosophical guide to natural orientation.
May 19, 2023
July 1, 2023
Opens to the public in Cisano di San Felice la shows the exhibition of contemporary art In praise of the limit which can be visited until 1 October 2023 at Palazzo Cominelli. The artistic project, created in collaboration with the7MML association and the Municipality of San Felice, wants to trigger a reflection on our consumption habits: even small daily actions can in fact have an impact on the environment around us. On display, in the splendid exhibition halls of Palazzo Cominelli, are the works of Cristina Gardumi, Davide Lovatti, Vincenzo Parisi, Enrico Ranzanici, Fausto Salvi and Gionata Xerra.

Through a highly immersive aesthetic experience, the exhibition dialogues with visitors with the aim of reinforcing awareness of how everyone can be the architect of a change in lifestyle and consumption. The works of the 6 artists investigate with various languages – from ceramics to photography, via video art – the relationship between Man and Nature and once again they invite us to reflect on how it is necessary for everyone to take an active position that becomes concrete safeguard actions.
July 1, 2023


For the entire duration of the project, the various actions planned, planned and implemented will be told through an integrated communication campaign that will allow all the territorial stakeholders to stay up to date and will give visibility at national level to what is being done in the Garda area also in a logic of spreading an environmental culture and promoting “circular” good practices.

The heart of the communication project is the Life SALVAGUARDIA online platform, the one where you are now, and where you can find various types of insights.

All the communication tools foreseen, digital and physical, unite three interconnected and interdependent areas for the pursuit of the project objectives: the area of training and education; the area of communication and knowledge; the area of participation and sharing.
This action aims to create a strong brand identity with a common image that allows to recognize and promote the actions and initiatives implemented.

Being able to increase the recognition of an environmental empowerment campaign such as LIFE SALVAGuARDiA, allows to involve more and more stakeholders of the territory and beyond and to make the proposed initiatives concrete and feasible.



The heart of the LIFE SALVAGuARDiA project is to build a activation model And involvement through the direct participation of stakeholders to the stages of planning and implementation of actions.

The project aims to give life to concrete, ethical and sustainable actions, to which all stakeholders can adhere by bringing their commitment and activating concrete actions to reduce the impact generated, based on their specific characteristics.



Depending on the characteristics of the stakeholders involved, the LIFE SALVAGuARDiA project proposes specific initiatives and actions spread throughout the territory, which will make it possible to reach a wide range of the population.

During the two years of the project, various moments of environmental awareness and training will be organized in which citizens will be able to participate in the first person: for example ecological runs / walks are foreseen; workshops on environmental issues dear to the project; an informative scientific exhibition focused on safeguarding the biodiversity of the Garda area.

Initiatives focused on environmental education will instead be expressly dedicated to local schools with environmental experts who will enter the classrooms and meet children and young people of all levels.

The creation of a widespread environmental culture and the promotion of messages of protection and safeguarding of the natural capital will be the fertile ground on which to plan and implement actions to concretely reduce the environmental impact by the main stakeholders; it is also a tool for disseminating good practices and behavioral models capable of influencing the change in one's lifestyle and consumption.



On the one hand, the project aims to increase the environmental awareness of the stakeholders and targets involved; on the other, LIFE SALVAGuARDiA has the ambition to have an active and concrete impact in terms of reducing environmental impacts, especially in relation to the production and tourism sector.

In this regard, the model put in place by the project involves the use of various measurement tools which, starting from an initial analysis, return a first "environmental photograph", assessment, of the stakeholders.

Following the measurement of the current state of the art, it will be possible to suggest intervention strategies and action plans to improve efficiency, in a given period of time, of those aspects identified as "deficient", for example within one's own production cycle.

Monitoring is carried out using environmental KPIs, which measure specific qualitative and quantitative parameters. Territorial KPIs are also envisaged, which instead measure social aspects.
This design action allows to obtain environmental data which in a logic of transparency guarantee to measure the progress of the entire project and the results obtained.

Find out more about the project

starting context and objectives

to whom it is addressed

From saying to doing: our actions

The SAFEGUARDS Committee

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Start measuring the degree of sustainability of your company

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School data

Comprehensive institution / higher institution name *
Name of school complex / high school *
Address school complex / high school *
Municipality of the school complex / high school *
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Environmental education
School Phone Number *

Data of the applicant teacher / PCTO contact person 

Teacher's name *
Teacher surname *
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Mobile teacher *

Environmental or civic education contact details (IC only)

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Phone another contact

Details of the classes to be enrolled

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Higher Institutes
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