How do we treat your data?

Privacy Policy Training


Subject: didactic paths aimed at Comprehensive Institutes and Higher Educational Institutes of the territory,
conducted by environmental educators of the CAUTO Social Cooperative
[REV 00 of 24.10.2022]

Pursuant to art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (so-called GDPR), Cauto Cantiere Autolimitazione Coop sociale a rl (here CAUTO), informs you that the personal data you provided in the registration form, in relation to the request of registration of the class of your school in the Educational Training Schools courses, are processed in compliance with the aforementioned legislation and the related confidentiality obligations, and in any case according to the purposes and methods set out below.

The Holder of the treatment is CAUTO based in Brescia in Via Buffalora 3E, MAIL: - PEC:
The Data Protection Officer ("DPO") can be contacted at the following e-mail address:

Type of Personal Data

The personal data processed may include personal data (eg name and surname), data relating to the employment relationship such as the job and role held in the school to which they belong, and data relating to personal contacts (eg telephone number and email).

Purpose of the processing

The processing of personal data is carried out in relation to the educational paths aimed at Comprehensive Institutes and High Schools in the area, conducted by environmental educators of the CAUTO Social Cooperative, as part of the LIFE SALVAGuARDiA project.

Legal basis of the processing

The processing of your personal data, provided by you for the purposes expressed therein, is necessary for the execution of a contract of which the interested party is a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same (pursuant to art. . b) GDPR).

Special categories of data

In relation to the purposes expressed therein, the processing of particular data is not envisaged.

Methods of processing and data retention period

Personal data are mainly processed at CAUTO with the aid of electronic and manual means suitable for guaranteeing security and confidentiality, in application of security measures.
Personal data will be stored, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the subject, for a period of time necessary to achieve the purposes of the project in question for which they are processed. The criteria for determining the data retention period take into account the permitted processing period and the applicable laws on taxation, prescription of rights and legitimate interests where they constitute the legal basis of the processing. Subsequently the data will be deleted, aggregated or anonymized.

Scope of communication and data transfer

Your personal data will be accessible by persons authorized to process them and previously trained and by the System Administrators of CAUTO, as the platform manager. Furthermore, your personal data may be communicated, if requested, to the Authority.

Rights of the interested party

The GDPR confers the exercise of specific rights, including those to ask CAUTO, as Data Controller:
to) confirms whether or not your personal data is being processed and, in this case, to obtain access to the information referred to in art. 15 GDPR;
b) rectification of inaccurate data concerning you, or, taking into account the purposes of the processing, the integration of incomplete personal data;
c) cancellation of your personal data, in the presence of one of the reasons referred to in art. 17 GDPR;
d) limitation of the processing of your personal data, if one of the hypotheses referred to in art. 18 GDPR;
And) receive in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, the personal data concerning you and to transmit such data to another data controller without impediments by the data controller, if technically possible, in the cases and within the limits referred to in art. 20 GDPR.
To exercise your rights, you can send a request by e-mail to the address

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial appeal, you will also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, if you believe that the processing that concerns you is carried out in violation of the GDPR. Further information is available on the website

The Data Controller

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Fill in the form fields to register your school

School data

Comprehensive institution / higher institution name *
Name of school complex / high school *
Address school complex / high school *
Municipality of the school complex / high school *
E-mail School *
Environmental education
School Phone Number *

Data of the applicant teacher / PCTO contact person 

Teacher's name *
Teacher surname *
E-mail teacher *
Mobile teacher *

Environmental or civic education contact details (IC only)

Name and surname of other contact person
e-mail other contact person
Phone another contact

Details of the classes to be enrolled

Comprehensive Institutes
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Higher Institutes
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a

The data entered in this form will be processed pursuant to Article 13 of the reg. EU 2016/679 in the manner described in ours Privacy disclaimer