the environmental empowerment campaign for the Garda area
The project
LIFE SAFEGUARD is the project financed by the European LIFE program that wants to translate into a campaign to raise awareness and reduce the environmental impact for the benefit of Garda area.
The project gives life to an environmental empowerment campaign that involves all the main players in the Garda area.
The Garda area presents itself today as a fragile ecosystem to be preserved and protect. LIFE SAFEGUARD puts on the field concrete actions times a mitigate the effects of climate change in progress in the Garda area, due to various anthropogenic factors including: excessive urbanization and the intensive impact on territorial resources due to tourism, agricultural and production activities.
The declared primary objective is the dissemination of an environmental culture able to translate into sustainable choices and actions for the concrete safeguard of the territory.
Through the implementation of various and synergistic project actions, a model of territorial activation able, on the one hand, to raise awareness among citizens with respect to the objectives of the European Green Deal and trigger virtuosos lifestyle and consumption changes; on the other, to plan and implement concrete actions reduction of environmental impact, all through the involvement of the main stakeholders of the territory: public administration, companies, third sector, schools, citizens, tourism.
LIFE SAFEGUARD suggests a change of perspective in which the environment can become the driving force of cooperative processes according to a win-to-win model of integrated sustainability in which the protection of the environment is integrated with the well-being of people within a thriving economic fabric and inclusive.
The European Life Program
The project LIFE SAFEGUARD has received funding from the European Union under the Life 2020 Call for Proposals from NGOs on the European Green Deal (NGO4GD).
The Life program was established in 1992 with EEC regulation no. 1973, with the aim of contributing to the development of EU environmental policy. Life is the acronym of the French term the Instrument Financier puor l'Environnement.
With this financial instrument, the European Union contributes to the implementation, updating and development of EU policy and legislation on the environment and climate, through the co-financing of innovative projects that demonstrate the effectiveness of new techniques and methodologies in the environmental field.
The information and opinions contained on this website reflect the thinking of the project creator and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Through the implementation of various and synergistic project actions, a model of territorial activation able, on the one hand, to raise awareness among citizens with respect to the objectives of the European Green Deal and trigger virtuosos lifestyle and consumption changes; on the other, to plan and implement concrete actions reduction of environmental impact, all through the involvement of the main stakeholders of the territory: public administration, companies, third sector, schools, citizens, tourism.
LIFE SAFEGUARD suggests a change of perspective in which the environment can become the driving force of cooperative processes according to a win-to-win model of integrated sustainability in which the protection of the environment is integrated with the well-being of people within a thriving economic fabric and inclusive.