our partners

The SalvaGuARDiA committee

Each contribution is precious for the protection of Lake Garda!

Each contribution is precious! This is the message of the project and for this purpose the SALVAGuARDiA Committee was set up with the task of guiding, coordinating and connecting the many souls and actions of the project.

CAUTIOUS, the implementing body of the project, is a work placement cooperative (Law 381/1991) founded in Brescia in 1995 to combine social action and environmental action in a form of sustainable cooperative enterprise. The activities and services offered in the environmental field allow the reduction of waste and consumption and support innovative paths for the recovery and enhancement of both human and natural resources

The challenge of LIFE SALVAGuARDiA is to give life to a choral action shared by all those public and private subjects who inhabit, transform and live the territory.

Various public and private bodies and organizations representing the territory and those targets with which the project aspires to dialogue have joined and will actively participate in Life SALVAGuARDiA, to build together actions of concrete environmental and social sustainability, therefore we thank:

Province of Brescia, Confcooperative Brescia, Garda Uno, Garda Sociale, Acque Bresciane, ABA - Federalberghi Brescia, Legambiente Lombardia, Consorzio Lago di Garda Lombardia, Associazione LACU.S.-Festival della Sostenibilità sul Garda, Comunità del Garda, Gal GardaValsabbia 2020, Morene del Garda School Network.

Find out more about the project

starting context and objectives

to whom it is addressed

From saying to doing: our actions

The SAFEGUARDS Committee

en_GBEnglish (UK)

Start measuring the degree of sustainability of your company

Fill in the form fields to register your school

School data

Comprehensive institution / higher institution name *
Name of school complex / high school *
Address school complex / high school *
Municipality of the school complex / high school *
E-mail School *
Environmental education
School Phone Number *

Data of the applicant teacher / PCTO contact person 

Teacher's name *
Teacher surname *
E-mail teacher *
Mobile teacher *

Environmental or civic education contact details (IC only)

Name and surname of other contact person
e-mail other contact person
Phone another contact

Details of the classes to be enrolled

Comprehensive Institutes
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Higher Institutes
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a
Number of pupils
I want to enroll in class a

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