Si conclude il progetto Life SALVAGuARDIA: nel Layman’s report il racconto degli obiettivi raggiunti.
A novembre 2023 si è conclusa la campagna di empowerment a vantaggio del territorio del Garda, ecco cosa è stato fatto in questi due anni.
A novembre 2023 si è conclusa la campagna di empowerment a vantaggio del territorio del Garda, ecco cosa è stato fatto in questi due anni.
La scuola, in quanto luogo di conoscenza e condivisione, è la principale culla di idee innovative e di visioni sul futuro; per queste ragioni non poteva che essere una dei principali protagonisti del progetto LIFE SALVAGuARDiA, la campagna di empowerment ambientale che da due anni ha messo al centro dell’attenzione e dell’azione il Lago di Garda con l’obiettivo di diffondere una cultura ambientale e di salvaguardia del territorio.
Dal 16 settembre 2023 al 7 gennaio 2024 sarà possibile visitare presso il Museo di Scienze Naturali di Brescia una special edition della mostra diffusa Elogio del Limite ideata da Rete CAUTO.
From 1 July to 1 October 2023 it will be possible to visit the last part of the widespread exhibition Elogio del Limite at the Cominelli Foundation in Cisano di San Felice del Benaco.
The intervention of the scientist is part of the events of the awareness campaign Elogio del Limite promoted by the social cooperative CAUTO for the benefit of the Garda area.
Many initiatives in the name of sustainability and beauty: a rich schedule of events to dialogue with the citizens and stakeholders of the Garda area.
A rich schedule of meetings to dialogue with the authors of the environment and sustainability
R!GENERA HOTEL is an innovative path to reduce environmental impact. The pilot project was chosen by 5 different accommodation facilities on Lake Garda which in the coming months will undertake actions to reduce their waste of materials, water, energy and food.
More than twenty companies in the Garda area have already chosen to participate in Life SALVAGuARDiA by completing the sustainability assessment developed by Circularity, the technical partner of our project.
Online the digital service that allows you to connect in a logic of mutuality, supply and demand of food products, goods and services for the benefit of the most fragile.
Review our live coverage and stay updated on the activities planned for the coming months on Lake Garda.
The Life SalvaGuARDiA project, in collaboration with the Lacus Cultural Association and with the Library System of the North-East of Brescia, inaugurates the first stage of the itinerant exhibition Direction Agenda 2030 which over the next few months will be able to be visited in various Garda libraries.
Come and discover the Sovenigo Lakes in Puegnago del Garda and take part in a simple 4 km walk to discover an area rich in biodiversity.
How is the environmental impact of a company measured? Thursday 29 September we will talk about it together with Eng. Alberto Pizzocchero and to Carlo Alberto Bosio, CAUTO Network consultant for Integrated Sustainability.
Find out how to participate in the artistic contest "One gesture for Me and one for the Environment": an initiative designed to spread an environmental culture capable of translating into sustainable choices and actions of concrete protection by all.
On 12 April Marica di Pierri, director of the magazine economiacircolare.com led the SALVAGUARDIA CONNECTION event: building networks for the environmental, economic and social enhancement of the Garda area.
On April 10, the safeguard.net digital platform was published online, the tool that will describe and document the actions of the European project Life Salvaguardia, with the aim of promoting a widespread ecological culture.
The Safeguard Committee was born on 22 March 2022: the committee that embraces all the main territorial actors to coordinate the activities of the Safeguard project.
The project is carried out with the contribution of the European Commission (Total project budget 500.000 - EU contribution 300.000)
and with the contribution of the Cariplo Foundation
The project is carried out with the contribution of the European Commission (Total project budget 500.000 - EU contribution 300.000) and with the contribution of the Cariplo Foundation